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Pero Negro Railway Station (Portugal)

On February 21, 2018, the Railway Heritage World Blog had the chance to know a bit about Pero Negro Railway Station. Pero Negro is a village belonging to the district of Lisbon in Portugal. The Portuguese art historian João Castela Cravo, researcher of the Research Center in Territory, Architecture and Design of Lusíada University of Lisboa (CITAD), went there during the weekend between February 16 and 18, 2018, and sent us some photos attached to this historical review.


Pero Negro Railway Station operates since 1887, when the railway branch Cacém - Torres Vedras of the Western Line was inaugurated. This branch belonged to CP - Companhia de Caminhos de Ferro Portugueses; currently it is a part of the REFER – Nationa Railway Network, which connects Figueira da Foz and Cacém (Meleças), as the same time as it has some branch lines connected to the Stations Entre-Campos and Oriente in Lisbon. In the beginning, the Western Line connected Alcântara-Terra to Figueira da Foz and, the current Railway Line of Sintra made part of this railway line as the Branch of Cintra.

The village of Pero Negro was important due to the location of some farms like, Quinta dos Freixos (or Pero Negro) of Baron Manique. This place became the military headquarters to Wellesley (future Duke of Wellington). The Wellington farm dominated the entire landscape, who passes by it, following the old Lisbon – Torres Vendras road, in parallel to the Sizandro River, can see how huge it is. Further afield, along the Sapataria road, at Casal Cochim, the general Beresford used to live.

The railway station took to the village many improvements. Nearby the railway line a 19th century building can be seen; it has probably been built to give some kind of support to the railway workers, because it has the same features as other buildings raised next to other railway stations.

During Salazar's dictatorship in Portugal, in 1944, this railway station won the third prize of a contest organized by SNI (National Information Office). This Office operated as an organization to increase the Government reputation. The contest elected the most flowered railway station. After this year, Pero Negro Railway Station won other Honorable Mentions during the same contest with the passing years.

Currently, the Western Line is in the process of decadence; there are some bailout plans to be implemented but, to make it come true, the line should receive some investments. Due to that, even though the railway station is still in operation (as a single track-line, this railway line is used as a train intersection), its infrastructure is in a constant decline.

Final Considerations

As it can be seen along its history, this railway station was an important part of Pero Negro development, but with the passing time its participation in the urban life declined. This railway station was a symbol of urban landscape; it was well preserved and received some care to make its flower beds beautify the railway building. But now, with almost no flower or maintenance, they just reflect the state of abandonment.

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