- Ramos, Alexandre; Lourencetti, Fernanda de Lima. O Património Industrial na arte – do visível ao invisível. In "Resiliencia, innovación y sostenibilidad en el Patrimonio Industrial", vol. 21, Coleção Los Ojos de la Memoria, ed. CICEES, Gijón, 2019, (ISBN Impresso: 978-84-120177-6-2 / ISBN Digital: 978-84-120177-8-6).
O presente artigo tem como objeto a problemática da utilização de fontes documentais não convencionais para estudo e valorização do Património Industrial, nomeadamente o cinema e a iconografia nas vertentes ficcionais e não-ficcionais.
A representação da indústria nestas expressões artísticas espelha diferentes aspetos da atividade empresarial mediante uma narrativa construída para responder a uma necessidade de comunicação, quer seja ela do autor, quer seja a da entidade responsável pela sua encomenda. Desta forma, a arte, tem um duplo valor informativo, o visível (material) e o não visível (o que antecede e sucede a produção da obra).
Em síntese, demonstraremos através de duas experiências – O Cinema Industrial em Portugal e A Promoção do Património Ferroviário –, como se podem desenvolver boas práticas no que tange à conservação do património industrial.
- Lourencetti, Fernanda de Lima. The Railways of The Begum’s Fortune by Jules Verne and André Laurie. In "Inteligence, Creativity and Fantasy: Proceedings of the 5th International Multidisciplinary Congress (PHI 2019)", (ed Mario Kon et ali ), Londres, p. 377-382, Taylor & Francis, 2019 (ISBN: 9780367277192).
Jules Verne, who is second in UNESCO's list of most translated authors, was one of the pioneers in the production of modern science fiction. Many of his books occupied a special place somewhere between the fantastic and the visionary. André Laurie, one of the pseudonyms of Jean François Paschal Grousset, also a science fiction writer, collaborated with Verne in the publication of The Begum’s Fortune (1879). This book is a recurring reference in urbanism studies and is cited by several authors. Between the creativity and scientific reasoning used in this book, in this article we will analyse how the urban planning of the cities of France-Ville and Stahlstadt illustrated, in a futuristic vision, the implantation of railways with antagonistic functions, an aspect that is currently widely discussed in the field of the construction, preservation and rehabilitation of railways.
- Lourencetti, Fernanda de Lima; Morais, Rita. A Eletrificação da Estação Ferroviária do Cais do Sodré em Lisboa: uma perspetiva urbana. In e-book CAPEL, Horacio; ZAAR, Miriam (Coords. y Eds.). "La electricidad y la transformación de la vida urbana y social". Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona/Geocrítica, p. 747-763, 2019 (ISBN: 978-84-09-13010-8).
Na primeira metade do século XX os caminhos de ferro começaram a gozar da limpeza, rapidez e flexibilidade de tráfico providas pela eletrificação das linhas. Em 1918, a locomotiva a vapor que percorria os 25 Km de carris entre a estação ferroviária lisboeta Cais do Sodré e a estação Terminus da Linha de Cascais via os seus dias contados. A 16 de Agosto de 1926 a Gazeta dos Caminhos de Ferro anunciou a inauguração dos comboios elétricos da Linha de Cascais, sublinhando a sua importância devido à nova possibilidade de aumentar o seu tráfego.
Apesar de ter sido construída pela Companhia Real dos Caminhos de Ferro Portugueses, a eletrificação da Linha de Cascais foi executada pela Sociedade “Estoril”, com o intuito de promover o turismo da região. Desde o início da conversão do sistema de tração a vapor para o elétrico, foi questionado em entrevistas de imprensa o que ocorreria com a estação do Cais do Sodré. A relevância desta questão está no fato de que a circulação de comboios entre Cascais e Lisboa ocorria desde 1895, mas o edifício definitivo desta estação ainda não tinha sido construído.
A razão dada para explicar a demora na criação desta estação foi a sua localização ter sido planeada em terrenos ocupados por barracões da Câmara Municipal e da Alfândega. Sendo assim, o edifício de linhas sóbrias e aspecto monumental prometido pelo engenheiro da Sociedade “Estoril”, Manuel Bello, juntamente com as futuras oficinas de reparação, tiveram grande impacto no urbanismo da região. Com o aumento do tráfego decorrente da eletrificação, a necessidade de ampliar as plataformas de embarque e de acondicionar o caminho de ferro que se encontrava inserido na zona urbana de Lisboa, a construção deste edifício tornou-se crucial.
- Lourencetti, Fernanda de Lima. "Virtualization and the Preservation of a Railway Heritage". In Cities in the digital age: exploring past, present and future, Ed. CITCEM, Porto, 2018, p. 125-134, URI: https://hdl.handle.net/10216/122386 (ISBN: 978-989-8970-10-7)
This article aims at presenting virtualization as a possibility for revaluating railway heritage, which has a great potential to be integrated into urban environments. Despite the fact that virtualization causes some controversy, many institutional museums have virtual exhibitions, and society is increasingly demanding the use of virtual resources. Integrating the Araraquara railway heritage into the Big Data challenge, using an industrial inventory as the foundation for the creation of a virtual database, aims at triggering a reflection on the use of new technologies, virtual museums and new urban planning concepts to enhance its value and to preserve it through the development of participative urban planning projects.
- Oliveira, Elizângela Justino de; Lourencetti, Fernanda de Lima. "A (re)organização do espaço urbano-regional de Araraquara/SP e Campina Grande/PB decorrente da implantação da ferrovia (1885-1907)". In Anais XV Seimário de História da Cidade e do Urbanismo. Rio de Janeiro(RJ) UFRJ, 2018. Disponível em: <https//www.even3.com.br/anais/xvshcu/82354-A-(RE)ORGANIZACAO-DO-ESPACO-URBANO-REGIONAL-DE-ARARAQUARASP-E-CAMPINA-GRANDEPB-DECORRENTE-DA-IMPLANTACAO-DA-FERR>. (ISBN: 978-85-5722-097-3)
O objetivo deste artigo é identificar as transformações no espaço urbano-regional de Araraquara/SP e Campina Grande/PB (Brasil), decorrente da implantação da ferrovia em 1885 e 1907, respectivamente. As ferrovias marcaram a ruptura da vida “lenta” ao conferirem novos ritmos nas (e entre as) cidades que receberam os trilhos a partir do século XIX e, por conseguinte, estabeleceram uma nova relação espaço/tempo. No que se refere ao espaço urbano, as transformações estão presentes tanto no espaço intraurbano das cidades como na escala regional, reorganizando a rede urbana. As principais fontes documentais primárias utilizadas foram: relatórios do Ministério da Indústria, Viação e Obras Públicas, Estatística das Estradas de Ferro da União e das Fiscalizadas pela União e documentos encontrados em arquivos municipais e estaduais. Nas considerações finais apontamos as semelhanças e diferenças no espaço urbano-regional de ambas cidades decorrentes da implantação das ferrovias, que se mostrou um importante elemento de reorganização das respectivas redes urbanas.
- Lourencetti, Fernanda de Lima. "An outline to the railway heritage preservation: Urban Heritage, Inventory and Railways (France and Brazil). Revista FACES DA HISTÓRIA, Assis-SP, v.4, nº2, Jun.-Dez., 2017, p. 181-195 (ISSN: 2358-3878).
The aim of this article is to establish a relationship between two different heritage value policies, one from France and another one from Brazil, and their influence in the railway heritage preservation. Among several ways of analysis of the railway heritage development, there is an outline related to the development of the urban heritage concept. The creation of an inventory turned France into the pioneer in the railway legacy appreciation, however, in some moment of history, its initiative lies with the international development of the urban heritage basic assumptions and they keep developing side by side, like happened in Brazil since the beginning of its safeguard policies. The adaptability of the urban heritage concept increase turned up to be a key to the understanding of the railway heritage and to its future management.
- Lourencetti, Fernanda de Lima (2017). "The mobility role in the São Paulo hinterland consolidation. The case of Estrada de Ferro Araraquarense (19th-20th centuries)". In online proceedings of the VII Congreso de Historia Ferroviaria (Valencia, 18-20/10/2017) (http://www.asihf.org/7congreso/sesion05.htm)
This paper will present the Estrada de Ferro Araraquarense (Brazil) in a historical perspective. In 1885 the first train station of this railway line was inaugurated in the city of Araraquara; it was the beginning of a railway branch that made part of the São Paulo State western region development, known as Sertão Paulista. The growth of this railway can illustrate the mobility role in the organization of an entire region, thus, the Estrada de Ferro Araraquarense made part of a series of strategies to ensure the territorial expansion of a part of the São Paulo hinterland. The railway devaluation on regional and national scales started in the middle of the 20th century, after the highways advent, which made the companies prioritize the train use to transport goods. The study of this history is a kind of interdisciplinary research, which requires the introduction of several approaches and push the investigation to contain sources from urban, economic, technological and history. Thus, this paperwork aims to highlight the participation of the train in the consolidation of São Paulo hinterland.
- Lourencetti, Fernanda de Lima (2017). "Araraquara Railway Heritage: the mobility of industries and identities". In Pensar y Actuar sobre el Patrimonio Industrial en el Territorio, volume 19, Los Ojos de la Memoria collection, p. 277-282, CICEES edition, 2017 (ISBN: 978-84945966-3.6).
The aim of this article is to enhance the Estrada de Ferro Araraquarense value as an industrial heritage of the mobility through the systematization of the Araraquara (Brazil) industrial heritage by an inventory. The most recent Directive Plan of Araraquara (2014) added to its agenda the dissemination of the urban heritage knowledge in order to make the population to understand a part of its identity, thus, the inventory proposal that will be presented aims to attain this goal. The role of the railway in the city of Araraquara is inseparable of its history, morphology, economic and social development. In the cities of Estrada de Ferro Araraquarense (E.F.A.), the stations were located outside of the existing urban grids, which resulted in a second centrality by the attraction of different kind of services and infrastructures. In this way, the railway of Araraquara, the first city of E.F.A., was important to the consolidation of the territory, industries and cities of the western region of São Paulo State. Currently, Araraquara has its railway infrastructure in the process of deactivation, a big part of it is already abandoned, only the train station passed through a conservation process and became a museum, but even this building does not seem to be part of the daily life. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to present the inventory as a tool to highlight the importance of the preservation of a railway heritage in the urban and regional scales to instigate initiatives able to reintegrate this industrial heritage in the urban grid.
- Lourencetti, Fernanda de Lima (2017). "The Material and Immaterial Urban Remains of a Railway Heritage – the case of Araraquara/SP (Brazil)". In online proceedings of the VIII AISU Congress – City, travel, tourism (Naples, 7-9/09/2017). Published by Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca sull'Iconografia della Città Europea. Section C Turismo, città e infrastrutture. Subsection Il turismo industriale: nuovi scenari urbani per la cittadinanza, le imprese, l’innovazione e il patrimonio, p. 9-12.
The aim of this article is to contribute to the Estrada de Ferro Araraquara (E.F.A.) safeguard. In the mid-XIX century, the railway was responsible for the design of the main existing transport routes, urban centers and the territorial occupation of São Paulo State (Saes,1981). The railway had an important role in the coffee market growth and it was the initial impetus to the industrial development in the western region of the State; meanwhile, the paved roads seemed to emerge as a better system when the acceleration of the national territorial consolidation and the modernization of the economic foundations were valuable opportunities, thus, the road system expanded in a higher rate than the railway system.
Araraquara made part of this scenario. Recently, due to the construction of a new railway branch out of the city, the urban railway tracks are being deactivated, therefore, it is important to reuse it and to preserve its memory. Currently, due to the industrial displacement from the inside of the urban grid to its suburbs, which is the Araraquara railway situation, the industrial heritage has been the focus of many urban discussions. Some artists’ and researchers’ work support the railway heritage safeguard. When many studies about Araraquara are put in parallel, the railway influence in its cultural, economic and demographic development is highlighted. Therefore, this article will present areflection about the preservation of the urban tracks of Araraquara from the comprehension of its importance as a material and immaterial heritage.
- Cardoso de Matos, Ana; Lourencetti, Fernanda de Lima (2017). "Dos Reusos do Património Ferroviário às Estratégias da sua Integração na Paisagem Urbana". In Actas VII Congreso Conservación del Patrimonio Industrial y de la Obra Pública en España: El Patrimonio Industrial en El Contexto de la Sustenibilidad, p. 456-262. (ISBN: 978-84-945966-5-0)
The urban sprawl, the new ways of entry and exit of the cities and the mismatch between technology and use became a part of some railway lines history and they led some railway stations to the deactivation or, in other cases, they caused the use of just a part of their complex. It can be noted as an example of the first case the old Orsay Station in France, currently the Orsay Museum, and as an example of the second case, the Rossio Station in Lisbon. The railway heritage fits the disciplinary fields of urbanism and landscape architecture, which require an extensive analysis on the relationship building-urban ecosystem for the design of specific projects, treating each building as a unique case. The systematization of references in the context of railway infrastructures converted to new uses illustrates the ability, the interests or the intention to harmonise these urban regeneration strategies with the railway heritage preservation. This submission focuses on the analysis of some strategies, plans and projects of railway industrial landscape regeneration and its integration in the urban landscape according to the most current ways of reuse.
- Lourencetti, Fernanda de Lima (2016). “Araraquara e o Paradigma das Cidades Ferroviárias: Uma proposta de preservação”, in Atas do 3º Fórum Internacional Sobre Patrimônio Arquitetônico Brasil/Portugal (3º FIPA), p. 138-143. (ISSN: 2448-2439).
This speech aims to cause a discussion about the role of the railway in the urban grid through the creation of a heritage management project. The railway heritage as a field of study predate the industrial heritage category created by UNESCO (United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization). The French were the pioneers in the development of inventories, and they currently are a referential in the field of intermodal mobility. As a representative of the Estrada de Ferro Araraquarense, Araraquara was the target of a research about urban heritage management and recovery, which aimed to understand the influence of the railway in the urban grid. In this way, making use of the French ideology, the elaboration of a catalogue of urban heritage was proposed as a way of highlighting the potential of the railway as a city developer. This talk focus to address the methodology and the results developed by this research.