Privacy Policy and Contact_
The Railway Heritage World
Fernanda de Lima Lourencetti
Privacy Policy
The Railway Heritage World Blog is worried about its users’ privacy! We fulfill our share of that responsibility.
What do we do?
Our social engagement is to post the publications in open to promote knowleged of railway heritage.
The third-part can send us information related to the activity of the page by comments on the blog, e-mail or facebook.
All the data collected are identifiable and in accordance with the activity for which they were allocated.
Personal data Collected
Contact: e-mail or facebook;
Full name;
Profession or research field;
Blog, webpage or any kind of academic production like, articles, books, etc (if applicable).
Data Management
The data is stored in telematics means, like facebook and the e-mail service used, outlook.com, which have their own privacy policy.
There is no expiration date to the data storage, but the third-part can ask for it anytime sending a message to the Railway Heritage World e-mail (RailwayHeritageWorld@outlook.com).
The Railway Heritage World do not send newsletters or spam, it just use the Railway Heritage World group on facebook to update its members and share some interesting news. We do not have cookies or tracing tools either.
The data will not be sold, transferred, exchanged to others; they are collected and published on the page to diffuse the knowledge, interests and work of the third-part, if the third-part agrees with it.
What do you need to do?
The data collected is legitimized by the third-part consent and given by the third-part, thus, the third-part can be a member of the facebook group Railway Heritage World, or, if this member wants to collaborate with new informations on the page posts, the third-part will have the responsibility for checking and accepting this privacy policy and send to the e-mail RailwayHeritageWorld@outlook.com an authorization.
The third-part has the right to request a modification to this privacy policy at any time by the e-mail RailwayHeritageWorld@outlook.com; changes and clarifications will take effect on the website in 10 days after the request.
If you make material changes to this policy, you will be notified by e-mail that it has been updated!
Be aware and take a look at YOUR RIGHTS!