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3º Meeting Industry,History,Heritage

Presentation - A reconversão do património ferroviário em Portugal: uma análise centrada no Sul - Matos, Ana Cardoso de; Lourencetti, Fernanda de Lima. January, 2020, S. João da Madeira, Portugal

I Seminário Histórias de Paisagens

Presentation: Os comboios do Brasil-SP (Araraquara), December 19, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal

PHI 2019 - Intelligence, Creativity and

Presentation: The Railways of The Begum’s Fortune by Jules Verne and André Laurie, October 8, 2019, Paris, France.

Noite Europeia dos Investigadores

This event aims to difuse scientific studies; it is included in the project "Ciência na Cidade", funded by the European Commission, under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. It takes place in Évora on September, 27, 2019 (18h-24h - Praça do Giraldo). Our participation will be through the open activity "Nos carris da memória".

VIII Congreso de Historia Ferroviaria

CALL FOR PAPERS! The VIII Congreso de Historia Ferroviaria will take place in Lisbon from October 28, until October 30, 2020. If you are interested, send your proposal! DEADLINE: October 31, 2019 Click here and then on "go to link" for further information...

ICOHTEC - Technology & Power

Presantation - "First urban plans for the implementation of railway systems: the co-existence of the industry with the city (1800-1910)", July 25, 2019, Katowice, Poland.

V Simpósio História da Eletricidade

Presentation - "A Eletrificação e o Caminho de Ferro: O caso da estação do Cais do Sodré em Lisboa", with Rita Morais. May 7, 2019, Évora (Portugal).

Photographic Exhibition

Flour: A journey through Industrial Alentejo. The exhibition remains open in Évora from November 7, 2018, until December 7, 2018.

I Jornadas Ibero-Americanas

Presentation "Antiguas estaciones de ferrocarril iberoamericanas y sus nuevos usos en la actualidad", with Sheila Palomares. November 9, 2018, Évora (Portugal).

AIPAI - 2018

Presentation - The City and the Railway Heritage: destruction, preservation and reuse - Cardoso de Matos, Ana; Lourencetti, Fernanda de Lima. October 27, 2018, Padua/Italy

INCUNA - International Conference

Presentation of "O Património Industrial Na Arte – Do Visível ao Não Visível". Gijón/Es, September 26-29, 2018.

14th Conference on Urban History

Presentation - The railway stations of Lisbon and Seville: the technique at the service of the city organization and the consolidation of a new urban aesthetic - Matos, Ana Cardoso de; Sobrino Simal, Julián; Lourencetti, Fernanda de Lima. August 30, 2018, Rome/Italy.


Presentation - A cultura andaluza aplicada na arquitetura do ferro de Sevilha. O caso da Estação Plaza de Armas. - Lourencetti, Fernanda de Lima. June 21, 2018, Évora/Pt

Schooling,training and employability

Participation in the FCT stand on March 16, 2018, Lisbon, as a doctoral student of the Research Center CIDEHUS/University of Évora.

VII Congreso Historia Ferroviaria

Presentation - The mobility role in the São Paulo hinterland consolidation. The case of Estrada de Ferro Araraquarense (19th-20th centuries), Lourencetti, Fernanda de Lima. October 19, 2017, Valencia/Sp.

VIII AISU Congress

Presentation - The Material and Immaterial Urban Remains of a Railway Heritage – the case of Araraquara/SP (Brazil) - Lourencetti, Fernanda de Lima. September 7, 2017, Naples/It.


Presentation - Dos Reusos do Património Ferroviário às Estratégias da sua Integração na Paisagem Urbana - Cardoso de Matos, Ana; Lourencetti, Fernanda de Lima. July 7, 2017, As Pontes/Spain.

Conference "10 Visões" - Évora/Pt

Presentation of "De Évora a Mora: o caminho da conversão de um património ferroviário"

Prix CILAC/Jeune chercher 2016

The "Estrada de Ferro Araraquarense in the Framework: The industrial landscapes of the West of São Paulo State as a heritage of the mobility" was selected to be presented in the finals of the poster contest.

International Conference

Presentation of "Virtualization and the preservation of a railway heritage". (pg. 45 - Book of Abstracts)

Congresso Ibero-Americano - Patrima

Presentation of "Salvaguarda do Património Ferroviário no Urbanismo Contemporâneo de Araraquara"

International Workshop

Presentation of "France and the Railway Heritage Enhancement"

International Conference

Presentation of "Araraquara Railway Heritage: the mobility of industries and identities".

International Congress

Presentation of "Recovery and Reintegration of the Araraquara Railway Heritage (Brazil)"

International Fórum

Presentation of "Araraquara e o Paradigma das Cidades Ferroviárias: Uma proposta de preservação".

International Congress

Presentation of "ESTRADA DE FERRO ARARAQUARENSE IN THE FRAMEWORK: The industrial landscapes of the West of São Paulo State as a heritage of the mobility"

2016 The Railway Heritage World.

CIDEHUS - UID/HIS/00057/2019
Programa Doutoral HERITAS - Estudos de Património [Ref.ª: PD/00297/2013]

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