Estação Cultural Prefeito Antônio da Costa Santos (Brazil)

On January 9, 2017, the Railway Heritage World Blog went to Campinas/SP, where we visited Estação Cultura Prefeito Antônio da Costa Santos . This old building was the central train station of Campinas, and it is known by many different names as Estação de Campinas, Estação Central de Campinas and Estação da Fepasa.
It is an infrastructure with more than a hundred years old!

First railway station 1880. Source:
On Janurary 30, 1868, the railway Company Companhia Paulista de Estrada de Ferro Jundiaí-Campinas was created to extend the British railway line, connecting the “coffee capital” of that period, Campinas, to Santos Port. This railway line was inaugurated on 1872. Its first station was demolished on 1889. The current building replaced it and became the junction of three railway services: Companhia Paulista (the main owner of the infrastructure), Companhia Mogiana (since 1875 Companhia Paulista let them use a part of their infrastructure to passengers who wanted to go to the north) and Companhia Sorocabana (since 1913 this company used this infrastructure to transport passangers from there to Mairinque, more to the south of the state, but not far from Jundiaí).
In front of this station there were some stops to rent coaches, which made the connection between the railway station and the citizens easier.

This railway station was considered one of the city’s historical and cultural heritage on 1982. Its last passengers train leaved Campinas to Araraquara on March 15, 2001. The reuse plan of this station was devised at this moment; the Mayor Antônio da Costa Santos transformed the main building in the Estação Cultural (Cultural Station), inaugurated on 2002. This Mayor never saw his idea conceived, he was killed on 2001. Demétrio Vilagra, who became the new Mayor, finished his work and put his name on it as a way to recognize his initiative.
Trains Station around 1910. Source: Gerodetti; Cornejo.
As ferrovias do Brasil nos cartões-postais e Álbuns de
lembranças, ed. Solaris edições culturais, 2005, São Paulo, p. 104.

The first train station was composed by a central building of one pavement and two other blocks at each side of it, constituted by two pavements. The second one (1884) was built in front of the old station. The construction took time to become the way it is nowadays; the first part built was constituted by a central building and the clock tower. The other parts were constructed after, at least seven, architectural restorations and transformations.
First railway station 1872, lithographs of Jules Martin.

Currently the building should receive some attention. There are many windows broken, the metallic cover of the platform is rusting and there are some humanity on the walls. The hall is now used as an exhibition room; the platform reserves some nice staff like, old trains and objects (not very well preserved, but nice to keep the memory), the building details like the clock and some old signs and, which seems to be very interesting idea that could be better managed, they preserved the tracks, they just built a kind of wood elevated floor, this can be reversed and expose this trail or it can be used again in the future, who knows?! In one of the doors to the out side, there is a hairdresser called International Saloon. Fun idea!

However, Campinas has a really big complex. The Cultural Station is only a small part of it. There is a warehouse close to it, where we could not get in, but the guard said that today it works as a school. Between these two buildings there is a police station, which uses the station as it main entrance, thus, everyone who needs to go there is obliged to cross the old station hall and platform.
Railway complex around 1920. Source: Gerodetti; Cornejo. As ferrovias do Brasil nos cartões-postais e Álbuns de lembranças, ed. Solaris edições culturais, 2005, São Paulo, p. 105.

Railway complex from google maps. The yellow area is the Cultural Center and the police office.

The parking lot is located near by the railway tracks. Well, there was a locomotive there, working, so a part of the tracks are still used, but all the area is not very well preserved, it seems to be totally abandoned, filled by cars and surrounded by old neglected railway buildings!
The Station and the City.

The railway complex seems to be an island near by the old city center, surrounded by streets and big avenues. Both sides of the railway are connected by tunnels and bridges. Taking a look at the Estação Cultural schedule (if you want you can follow them on facebook!) the building seems to be used by the citizens. We could not have access to all the rooms, but the building has an auditorium, many multi-use rooms and exhibition rooms. According to the city hall website, this space aims to increase the cultural production of the city and its region.
Final Considerations

We could see the clock tower from far away. This infrastructure is really amazing, it is a shame that it is not very well preserved. The whole complex is a masterpiece, but it should receive more attention. Something should be done, if it takes much longer, more money will need to be expend. Let’s hope for some action!
Railway platform around 1910. Source: Gerodetti; Cornejo. As ferrovias do Brasil nos cartões-postais e Álbuns de lembranças, ed. Solaris edições culturais, 2005, São Paulo, p. 105.